Saturday, June 5, 2010

How to become a good & successful medical student.

Yesterday my father bought me a motivational book on title "How to become a good & successful medical student". I thought that this book is really supportive n helpful for medical students n not only for them , I think it is good also for other students to follow though. As what at the front book displayed n written 'a holistic approach', it is of course useful for students due to its accomplished collection of discussion n custom problems raised faced by medical students is enthusiastically answered by the book author Prof. Dr. Muhaya Haji Mohamad M.D.,Ph.D of UKM. I have gone through the book and i think it is good if i could share with readers concerning the method n steps suggested by her. I hope that I won't do copyright infringement as i'll state along the resources n of course it is not done for money interest..

Author: Prof. Dr. Muhaya Hj Mohamad M.D, Ph.D
No of Pages: 116
Approach: simple & islamic. Simply understood language
1st Printing : 2005

Prof Dr Muhaya Hj Mohamad (Currently is the Coordinator of the Postgraduate Opthalmology Training 

Program, and Chairperson of the Reserach Committee of the Department of Opthalmology, UKM)

Below I provide for you the readers the chapters n FAQ contained in this book :

CHAPTER 1: Have I Made the Correct Decision?
1. Have I chosen the correct field?
2. Can I be a doctor one day?
3. What sort of thinking is required to become a doctor?
4. What are the possible career options after graduation?

CHAPTER 2: Getting Ahead of Time
5. Can I study and lead a reasonable life at the same time?
6. How do I manage my time and plan an effective study schedule?
7. Should I involve myself in many co-curricular activities?

CHAPTER 3: Potential Traps for Meddical Students
8. What are the common problems for First Year medical students?
9. What are the common traps of studying?

CHAPTER 4: I Sure Love Those Lectures
10. How do I get the maximum benefit from the lectures?
11. What do I do when the subject is really boring and I do not understand the lectures?

CHAPTER 5: Am I Doing It Right?
12. What are the effective study habits?
13. How do I study smart?
14. How to read quickly?
15. How do I overcome the frustration of studying difficult subjects?
16. How do I remember what I have studied?
17. Must I have a study group?

CHAPTER 6: Am I a Good Friend?
18. How do I deal with friends who are always depending on me for lecture notes?
19. How do I deal with friends who are always asking me to teach them?
20. How do I overcome envy of other people's achievements?

CHAPTER 7: Facing the Examinations
21. How can I pass all the examinations?
22. How do I prepare for MCQs?
23. How do I write a good essay?

CHAPTER 8: Can I Do it?
24. How do I overcome inferiority complex?
25. What do I do if I lose the motivation to study?
26. How do I keep my interest in medicine going?
27. What do I do if I do not feel like following other people's advice and want to do things my own way?

CHAPTER 9: Can I Be a Good Clinician?
28. How do I clerk a case well?
29. How do I present well in case presentation?
30. How do I get the patients to cooperate with me during ward work and clinical examinations?
31. How do I make full use of my clinical sessions in the clinic?
32. How do I correlate the basic sciences to the clinical subjects?

CHAPTER 10: Assets of A Good Medical Student

1- Effective note taking
2- Paying attention in class
3- MURDER study system
4- Speed reading & comprehension
5- Effective reading & comprehension
6- Taking notes from a textbook
7- Flip card technique to enhance your memory of a subject
8- Ten tips for test taking
9- Point to ponder

After sometimes, I will provide the link for each chapter when I manage to finish the description of particular 

chapter or topic above. You only have to hover over the particular one n it will direct you to the link.
Ok..that is for this times..


  1. hurm,when u'll update this blog?

  2. Just wondering where I can buy this book? I've had a look online and all the usual vendors don't have the book in their catalogue.

    Many thanks

  3. thanks allot i can't wait to finsh reading it please give us the rest of the links when you can :)

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