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2. He who created death and life, that He may try which of you is best In deed: and He is the Exalted In Might, Oft-Forgiving;-
1. Servant of Allah -(51:56)
2. Vicegerent (khalifah) of Allah -(2:30-34)
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70. we have honored the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of Our creation.
1. Angel’s prostration towards Adam A.S. (2:34)- First command of Allah to Angel and iblis to prostrate before him as an honor for him
2. Man`s Vicegerency (2:30) -it is a Divine trust and has to fulfill.
3. The subservient of universe towards man. (2:29) - All the creatures were brought into existence for the goodness of man.
4. Human intelligence (2:31-32)-Allah gave knowledge and mind to human more than other creatures.
5. The breathing in of the spirit (15:28-29) - Man is composed of two different elements;physical (clay from mud), spiritual part (soul related to Allah)
6. Man’s freewill (2:256)- Man in endowed with freedom of will to enable him to exercise his authority as vicegerent within the limit of God`s will.
7. Bearer of divine trust (33:72)- Allah assigned Trust to humankind not to other creatures.
* Iman al Ghazali said : The attribution of human`s spirit to Allah is to demonstrate the power and the greatness of the soul compared to the physical body of human being which is originated from the clay. The world spirit has direct link with Allah.
· To succeed/substitute
· To replace a person due to his absence, his incompetence or his death or as an honour for the successor.
· Vicegerency of Adam A.S (2:30)
· Succession to Allah SWT (2;30)
· General khalifah (17:70)
1) Ibn Ishaq
- A vicegerent on earth means a dweller and builder who will build up the earth and inhabit it.
2) Al-Qurtubi
- It refers specifically to Adam as since it was mentioned in Surah Al-baqarah that he was the first messenger on earth.
3) Al-Razi and Ibn Kathir
- It refer to Adam as and his descendents
4) Al-Tabari
- It refers to Adam and those who follows him in obedience to Allah and implementation of justice among the creatures.
- A vicegerent on earth means a dweller and builder who will build up the earth and inhabit it.
2) Al-Qurtubi
- It refers specifically to Adam as since it was mentioned in Surah Al-baqarah that he was the first messenger on earth.
3) Al-Razi and Ibn Kathir
- It refer to Adam as and his descendents
4) Al-Tabari
- It refers to Adam and those who follows him in obedience to Allah and implementation of justice among the creatures.
1. Khalifah ‘Ammah
-All muslim (2;30)(17:70)
· Only confined to Muslim or those who believe in Allah and worship Him alone
· The non-believers - excluded from this kind of vicegerent because they fail to implement Allah`s instructions and commands.
· Muslim need to fulfill his general responsibilities towards Allah, other humans, other creatures and to him/herself.
I. Implementation of God`s will.(5:8)
II. Administration and development of the world.(11:61)
III. Promotion of ma’ruf & prevention of munkar.(3:110)
2. Khalifah Khassah
-Muslim political leader (38:26)
-Qualities (28:26)
I. Al-amanah - it is implies internal qualities for accomplishing the work
II. Al-Quwwah - physical strength
III. Qualification of khilafah by Ibn Khaldun
· Knowledgeable
· Justice
· Probity
· Competent
· Freedom of physical & mental defect.
· Quraish tribe.
IV. Qualification of Khalifah by Al-Mawardi in Al-Ahkam Al-Sultaniah.
· Justice
· Knowledge-qualified for ijtihad.
· Perfect and healthy senses.
· Physical health.
· Sound judgment and prudence
· Bravery & courage.
· Quraish tribe.
DUTIES base on Mawardi:
· To defense and maintenance of religion.
· Decision of legal dispose.
· To protect the territory of Islam.
· To appoint new officials.
· To organize the collection of zakat & collection of taxes.
· To organize the payment of salary and administration of public fund.
· Personal attention to the detail of government.
- To punish the wrongdoers.
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