Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kepentingan Dua Kalimah Syahaadah أَهَمِّيَّةُ الشَّهَادَتَيْن

Kepentingan syahadat (ahamiyah syahadah) perlu didedahkan kepada mad’u agar dapat betul-betul memahami syahadah secara konsep dan aplikasinya. Kenapa syahadah penting karena dengan bersyahadah seseorang boleh menyebutkan dirinya sebagai muslim, syahadah sebagai pintu bagi masuknya seseorang kedalam Islam. Kefahaman seorang muslim dapat melakukan perubahan-perubahan individu, keluarga ataupun masyarakat. Dalam sejarah para nabi dan rasul, syahadah sebagai kalimah yang diperjuangkan dan kalimah inilah yang menggerakkan dakwah nabi dan rasul. Akhir sekali, dengan syahadah tentunya setiap muslim akan mendapatkan banyak pahala dan ganjaran yang besar dari Allah SWT.


أَهَمِّيَّةُ الشَّهَادَتَيْنِ [Ahamiyah Syahadah - kepentingan bersyahadah].

Sarahan :

Syahadatain adalah rukun Islam yang pertama. Kepentingan syahadah ini karena syahadah sebagai dasar bagi rukun Islam yang lain dan bagi tiang untuk rukun Iman dan Dien. Syahadatain ini menjadi ruh, inti dan landasan seluruh ajaran Islam. Oleh sebab itu, sangat penting syahadah dalam kehidupan setiap muslim. Sebab-sebab kenapa syahadah penting bagi kehidupan muslim adalah :

Wednesday, October 27, 2010




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2. He who created death and life, that He may try which of you is best In deed: and He is the Exalted In Might, Oft-Forgiving;-

1.    Servant of Allah -(51:56)
2.    Vicegerent (khalifah) of Allah -(2:30-34)


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70. we have honored the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of Our creation.

1.    Angel’s prostration towards Adam A.S. (2:34)- First command of Allah to Angel and iblis to prostrate before him as an honor for him
2.    Man`s Vicegerency (2:30) -it is a Divine trust and has to fulfill.
3.    The subservient of universe towards man. (2:29) - All the creatures were brought into existence for the goodness of man.
4.    Human intelligence (2:31-32)-Allah gave knowledge and mind to human more than other creatures.
5.    The breathing in of the spirit (15:28-29) - Man is composed of two different elements;physical (clay from mud), spiritual part (soul related to Allah)
6.    Man’s freewill (2:256)- Man in endowed with freedom of will to enable him to exercise his authority as vicegerent within the limit of God`s will.
7.    Bearer of divine trust (33:72)- Allah assigned Trust to humankind not to other creatures.
* Iman al Ghazali said : The attribution of human`s spirit to Allah is to demonstrate the power and the greatness of the soul compared to the physical body of human being which is originated from the clay. The world spirit has direct link with Allah.

Friday, October 22, 2010

12 Waktu Mustajab Untuk Berdoa

Selain usaha dan tawakal, doa ialah satu-satunya cara untuk mencapai sesuatu hajat. Ada waktu-waktu tertentu paling mustajab untuk berdoa kepada ALLAH s.w.t. Antaranya ialah:

1) MALAM Lailatul-Qadar.
2) Ketika hujan turun.
3) Ketika memulakan dan setelah selesai solat.
4) Ketika menghadapi barisan musuh di medan peperangan.
5) Di tengah malam.
6) Antara azan dan iqamah.
7) Ketika sujud dalam solat.
8) Ketika iktidal akhir dalam solat.
9) Ketika khatam (tamat) membawa 30 Juz al-Quran.
10) Sepanjang malam, paling utama sepertiga awal dan sepertiga akhir (waktu sahur).
11) Malam Jumaat dan sepanjang hari Jumaat kerana mengharapkan bersua dengan saat ijabah (diperkenankan doa) yang terletak di antara terbit fajar hingga terbenam matahari pada hari Jumaat.
12) Di antara waktu zuhur dan asar dan antara waktu asar dan maghrib.

How Do I Manage My Time and Plan An Effective Study Schedule?

Time management is about setting and following a schedule of study in order to organise and prioritise your studies in the context of competing activities of work, family, etc.

According to Davidson (1997) and Wetmore (1999), the 7 divisions of time are family, society, health, finance, spirituality, work and self-development.

  1. Family
Ensure that you contact your parents at least once a week. By doing so, your parents will be happy with you and so will God. They will pray for you and of course things will go smoothly. -According to my experience it really effective or in other words in really assist you in doing well everything in your life. Not only that it also do so when you are taking examination as well. I always remember my father's advice in order to success it is not only depend on your hard works but yet it also rely on our parents' bless. I frequently do this because I believe when our parents do bless us Allah also will bless us with His rahmat and help us in doing something successfully and smoothly as what is said by Prof Dr. Muhaya. For instance when I'm in boarding school and in fact even nowadays too I still keep in touch with my parents such as by calling them but don't be like me sometimes I always call them at the last minutes due to my around the corner coming exam..what kind of son am I??? haha just in order to get 'berkat' la konon nya..

2.   Society

Be sensitive to the people around you. This includes your roommates, classmates and those you come into contact with. Should someone gets into trouble, try to help him or her even if it means some taxation on your time. The time spent helping others will be repaid by God in that you will save time on other things such as being able to understand certain subjects ¡n a shorter time than usual. Have faith.     
- Same thing went to me too sometimes when I’m doing my revision especially. Two or three of my buddies come to me and ask several questions to me. At first I felt disturbed and moreover my study progress was hampered sometimes. However I agree with Prof Dr Muhaya. When we lend our hand helping them in their studies actually it helps you too to reduce your study times. Furthermore, it also assists you to refresh your knowledge and when you teach others, you speak, you listen to their problems, you interpret the questions or problems and then you train and ‘squeeze’ your brain to answer them and lastly you speak or present the solution to them… You see!! How much skills have you done?? Does it help you a lot?? I’m sure you will be easier to remember the facts and in fact you are actually are cutting the learning curve as you don’t have to utilize more time and hard work to revise the topic again. For sure your friends are the assistance of your learning ways.