“Sesiapa yang mempelajari satu ilmu yang sepatutnya dilakukan kerana mencari Wajah Allah, namun dia tidak mempelajarinya kecuali untuk mendapatkan keuntungan duniawi, maka dia tidak akan mencium bau syurga pada Hari Kiamat.”
Juz as collection for my memory, my kulliyah mate and I did mouse dissection for our biology lab. It's quite interesting and furthermore i was very curious to know and acquiant myself regarding mouse anatomy. Perhaps it could be useful for me before entering kulliyah in Kuantan next year.. when I have already been there, then, of course I will be more exposed to human anatomy and get use to it. However my first time I become trembling as I started to cut the skin of the mouse's. Huh it not supposed to happen to me as soon when I enter the kulliyah I have to do more than this not only this BUT more massive than this definitely....Human body certaintly..